Monday, September 17, 2012

If Pinterest were a place, I would live there!

I don't know how many of you know about or participate on Pinterest. Amazingly I still meet people who have never heard of it. I personally can't remember my life before it. In the old days I had a four drawer filing cabinet filled with craft, sewing, home decorating and fashion articles I had either torn out of magazines or printed off line. Anytime I wanted to reference something I had to go searching in my big ole file cabinet to find it. Now with Pinterest all I have to do is virtually PIN an idea on my board. I can also send all my friends who call for party ideas or recipes to my Pinterest page where all my lovely boards are lined up just waiting to be added to. Sometimes I just want to stand back and sigh at all the crafty loveliness just waiting to be accessed on my almost 100 boards. WOW. Whoever thought of Pinterest, I want to hug your neck. I am addicted (as are many people) to pinning new ideas to my boards. 

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